Partner organizations: Join us for an online workshop!

We partner with these stellar companies to bring inspiring and hands-on learning to colleagues from around the nation. Registration links are provided so you can join us!

Looking for something customized for your organization? Contact Crystal for a free one-hour consultation.

Bureau of Education & Research logo

January 30 or February 9, 2024 (or sign up for recorded event)
Bureau of Education and Research: PUBLIC LIBRARIES: Working Effectively with Difficult People (Or Those Just Having a Bad Day)

January 5, 10, 16, February 20, 29, or March 8, 2024 (or sign up for recorded event)
Bureau of Education and Research: Library Centers/Makerspaces: Creating More Engaging Learning Spaces in Your School LIBRARY (Grades K-12)

Institute for Educational Development

February 14, 22, or March 1, 2024
Institute for Educational Development: School Librarians: Using AI Tools to Increase Student Learning and Enhance Your Productivity

Library Journal logo

March 5, 2024

Library Journal: Adopting Artificial Intelligence in Libraries

March 2024 (Crystal will teach one session)

Library Journal: How to Work with Difficult Colleagues, Staff, and Patrons

April/May 2024 (Four sessions)

Library Journal: Project Management Fundamentals for Librarians

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